What is Polarizing and Why is Polarized Glasses Important?

What is Polarizing and Why is Polarized Glasses Important?


Polarizing is a filter that cuts the reflection and glare. The sun's rays are reflected in the mirror by slamming on the wet and shiny ground. This situation which negatively affects the quality of vision is minimized with polarized filters to provide a clearer view. This filter which is placed in the unprocessed glass offers more comfortable and high quality vision.

Although the polarizer filter is primarily used by photographers, it is also used by opticians. However, the polarizing filter has no protection against UV rays. It is an extra feature in sunglasses, which prevents polarized reflection and glare.

Especially for long time car users and sailors. Breaks intense reflection and glare on the asphalt and sea surface and provides a clearer view. The sun's rays on a wet or smooth ground minimize the quality of the sight as a result of intense glare and reflection. For this reason, one of the must for drivers and sailors is a sunglasses with polarizing features.

Intense flare and reflection cause the eye to distract from the person's eye and even have difficulty in seeing the close distance. Polarized glasses are preferable for people who use the car for a long time in terms of road safety.

When you move the sunglasses from the horizontal position to the vertical position on the phone screen that is open to see if the sunglasses have polarizing feature, your glasses are polarized filter if the screen color becomes black or there is any change.

Is UV Protection in Sunglasses More Important or Polarizing?

One of the most frequently asked questions is whether UV protection or polarity is more important. The most important feature to look for in a sunglasses is 100% UV protection. Non-UV-protected sunglasses can cause various eye diseases and serious discomfort to blindness.

Polarizing feature which is important depending on the usage area and the occupation of the person, provides an effective view on the sunglasses. Fishermen, sailors, drivers, water sports people, people who are very sensitive to light and people who have cataract surgery is very important polarizing feature.

Approximately 80% of sunglasses do not have a polarizing feature. It is not a feature that affects much in daily life except for long-term car and sailors. Polarized glasses with reflection and refraction are sold today on hand looms at a very cheap price. What is important in a spectacle is the glass quality and UV protection. Polarizing property can be important according to the sensitivity of your eyes and your usage area.

Make sure to buy your sunglasses from optical stores. Do not buy products that you do not trust in the brand and quality. Do not forget that a sunglasses that should be considered before the element UV protection. Depending on the sensitivity of the eyes and the area of ​​use, you can obtain polarized glasses.